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End Times News & Commentary

Preparations for Third Temple Ongoing; Special Olive Oil Harvest This Year

December 2, 20021

In preparation for the Third Temple, the nascent Sanhedrin and the United Temple Movement (UTM) under the auspices of the Mount Zion Association annually prepares olive oil that is ritually pure and ready for use in the Temple, but this year, the olives were harvested from a special orchard, intended to send a special light into the world that adheres to a prophecy with current-day political ramifications.

The oil-making is part of an ongoing effort by the Mount Zion Association to recreate Temple rituals and become familiar with them in every detail, so they can be reinstated without delay, should the need arise in the near future. But making this olive oil is also an effort to bring about prophecy as written in the Bible.

On Sunday, volunteers will harvest olives for Temple oil in the orchards of Amona, a Jewish community in the Biblical region assigned to the tribe of Benjamin.

Read the full post here for more on how this has prophetic and political implications.


Story originally posted on; Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz


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