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End Times News & Commentary

Modern Days of Noah

While it’s true that evil has been present in the world since the Garden of Eden, I submit that wickedness has vastly increased in recent times. Some people argue that evil and lawlessness only seem to be worse now because of modern technology and our 24/7 news cycle. My belief, however, is that we’re experiencing a culture shift. This change is being brought on by what the Bible calls the “searing of conscience.” This searing is a metaphor that represents what happens when you cauterize your skin. A scar forms when the wound heals, and that tissue no longer has any feeling. Likewise, the seared consciences of people living in the end times allow them to commit all kinds of atrocities without any remorse.

The Bible also tells us in Luke 17:26 that “just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man.”1 So what were the days of Noah like? We read in Genesis chapter 6 (verses 5 and 11) that it was a time of great violence and corruption. Wicked people went about their everyday lives with thoughts only of themselves and their evil pleasures, not recognizing or worshiping the Lord. The situation was so bad that God actually regretted creation.

There’s certainly a lot of violence in our world right now. We’ve been faced with a record-breaking barrage of brazen violence in our city streets. Rioters openly set fires, vandalize public buildings, topple statues, and destroy public property. Criminals break into retail stores in broad daylight and simply walk out with whatever loot they can carry. Assault and battery, shootings, unprovoked attacks on innocent people – all of these things are being perpetrated at large without fear of punishment.

As for corruption, look no further than our own government. They bastardize the US Constitution, and don’t even follow their own rules and mandates. They, along with their so-called experts, contradict themselves on a regular basis. Sadly, this is not confined just to the United States. It’s happening in countries all across the globe.

Aside from the many other signs the Lord is sending us right now, one would be hard pressed to deny the wide scale re-emergence of the Days of Noah. The world becomes more dangerous day by day. Pray to the Lord for his protection, put on the armor of God, and wait, as always, for that blessed hope, friends. He is coming back for us. It’s imminent!


1. The Son of Man is a term Jesus used to refer to himself, as in Matthew 9:6 when he says “I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” right before healing a paralyzed man and telling him to stand up. Jesus also used this terminology when he told his disciples that “the son of man [would be] delivered into the hands of men” in Matthew 17:22, thus prophesying his upcoming arrest. Therefore, the Son of Man is Jesus, and the days of the Son of Man refer to the time when Jesus makes his second coming.


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